
Hi my name is Sophia! . I am really exited about working in the women in the media social justice group. Girls just like me are struggling today with thier bodies, self esteem and gaining respect from others. I am ready to make a change and I hope I inspire others to do so also.

Interview with Crystal Renn

On December 12th, my group and I went to Jacks across the street from school to meet with model named Crystal Renn. Crystal was amazing to talk she had a very interesting story to tell as to how she became a model. Crystal Renn never aspired to be a model when she was younger, she…

1/29/14 Class at the Paley center

1/29/14 Yesterday both women’s groups headed up to the Paley center to attend, Girls, Self Esteem and the Media class. The class originally was supposed to be for 30 people, but we decided to only go with the other women’s group so we could learn things that we could put in our teach in. I…

Tamar Gargle 1/13/14

TAMAR GARGLE 1/13/14 Today, Bella, Daria, Eve and I went to go visit Tamar Gargle at ABC studios. Lexi hasn’t been feeling well lately so she decided to stay at school while we went. Getting to ABC studios was fairly easy, we just took the 1 to 66th street, but finding the Tamar’s lobby was…

City Hall: Interview with Samantha Levine

On December 10, our group went to City Hall to interview with Samantha Levine. Samantha is the founder of NYC’s “I’m a Girl” campaign. We got her information from Dennis Algrihm who worked closely with her on the project, designing it and putting it together. When we got there and settled down and started off…

Interview with Iman, 11/13/13

On September 13, our group interviewed Iman Abdulmajid.  Iman was a very famous, well respected model in the 1980’s, and now runs and owns a clothing, accessory and makeup line. Iman is most known to be among the first women of color to become a super model. She became idolized and loved by many different…

Watching the film Wadjda

On September 19, our group went to go see the movie Wadjda. Wadjda is about a girl (Wadjda) who wants to buy a bike. Wadjda lives in Saudi Arabia and in her culture, a bike is meant to be only a boys toy. Being an innocent but rebellious character, Wadjda goes on a quest to…

Interview with Dennis Ahlgrim

For our second fieldwork, our group met with Dennis Ahlgrim. Dennis was the designer for NYC’s “I’m A Girl” campaign. The “I’m A Girl” add campaign is an add targeted at girls from ages seven through 12 to help with self-esteem issues. The add can easily be seen on the subway or on the side…

Elizabeth Irwin High School Day of the Girl Assembly

In September, 2013, we did our first fieldwork. Both women’s groups went to the high school for the Day of the Girl assembly. We had only gotten our social justice groups the day before and our group hadn’t even decided on the topic we were doing. Confused, I was told to go the the lobby.…