Our Trip to The NBA office 645 5th avenue

During our visit to the NBA official office, we learned a lot about athletes’ mental health and gender inequality. One of the most important things that we learned one of the biggest things that affects athletes is the ability to see if I can or am weak. “It takes a lot of strength to say you’re weak”, is one of the most important things that I heard. Also having a good and healthy relationship with your coaches is one of the most important things that gets overlooked in team sports. The coach should be able to know when the athlete is in too much over their head. And if the athlete has just gone down a never-ending rabbit hole about themselves, questioning themselves and trying so hard that they start to feel uncomfortable. if all that starts to happen then a mental health professional will have to interview with what is going on with this athlete. our main source of information was telling us that when he was playing college basketball she got so in over her head that she did not leave her bed for 10 days, she had to get a specialist to help her and once she recovered she was better than she was before. She had to learn that admitting to not being able to do something was one of the most uncomfortable. when the mental health conversation started to catch flight every team in every basketball league in the world now has a mental health specialist on deck. And that is what I learned at the basketball official office. (645 5th  avenue)

Harry Davenport

Harry is an 8th grade student at LREI in NYC. his topic for is social justice project is, Men's/Athlete's mental health. this topic is important to him because it impacts a large percentage of the world. this has to become a more prominent issue in the world. people need to recognize it and realize that it is a bigger issue that they think. 

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