Visiting The Intrepid Submarine

Name: Emmett Rapp

Social Justice Group: 2023-2024, Nuclear Weapon Proliferation

Date of Fieldwork: January 29, 2024

Name of Organization and person (people) with whom you met and their title(s):The Intrepid

Type of Fieldwork: [69]

What I did and what I learned about my topic, activism, social justice work or civil and human rights work from this fieldwork?:

Today I went to The Intrepid Museum in NYC. We first visited the Growler Submarine which was a submarine that was operational for six years and was active in The Cold War but only as a patrolling submarine seeing as they were afraid if they used any missiles or nuclear devices that they would get found out and would be destroyed and killed. This submarine could hold 70-100 people at a time and would be out at sea for two months at a time and then would have to go back to shore and then back out to sea again. Everyone who was on that ship volunteered to go on. This was one of the first ships built to launch and carry nuclear devices. We talked to people there and one very interesting fact that we found out was that this was actually the first ever ship to have an ice cream machine on it. Afterward, we looked through the rest of the Intrepid Museum and looked at a variety of different warplanes and helicopters.

Emmett Rapp

Emmett Rapp is an eighth grader at LREI in NYC. His social justice project is on Nuclear Proliferation. He has chosen this topic as he has seen this as a very important topic that has become much more prevalent with all of the violence in the world today. 

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