Interview Guide

Interview Preparation

Schedule and Confirm Your Interview

  1. Confirm the best time to schedule your interview based on the interviewee and your group’s schedule. Ask, will this be a zoom interview or in-person. In-person is the best AND we can always host them here. (Scheduling during lunch and recess is a good time. Remember – we are in Eastern Standard Time zone.)
  2. Send a confirmation email and ask if it’s OK to RECORD the interview (if not, take good notes)
  3. Mark your personal calendar

Prepare for Your Interview

1. Research the person and organization

  • Know the person’s first and last names, position title, job description, and overview of the organization

2. Makes a list of questions — YOU only need 5 GOOD questions for a 30 minute interview. PRO TIP: Make it a conversation, not robotic by asking spontaneous questions as you go based off of what the person says.

Sample Questions 

*Always start off by introducing yourselves and the project. Tell them a little bit about why you’re interested and also let them know why you are excited to meet with them!

  1. Can you tell us what you do at _____________ organization and how you got into this line of work?
  2. Why should young people care about this issue and what are the most important things we should know about it?
  3. We did some research and found out that you accomplished/are working on ____________________________________, Can you tell us more about that?
  4. Is there any story you can tell us that illustrates an important aspect of *this issue* or your experience working in this field?
  5. What communities are being affected the most by this issue and why?
  6. What would you say to young people, like us, who want to make a difference around this problem?
  7. Do you know of any volunteer opportunities or other groups we should speak to?
  8. Is there anything else you’d like to say that you didn’t get to share?

*Store questions in a shared google drive folder (must make this and include all members)

**Decide who will ask what and practice

***Record interview if you have permission. Take GREAT notes if you can not.