Ocean Health

Interview with Hilary Meltzer

We went to Le Pain Quotidien across the street from school and interviewed Hilary Meltzer, who provides legal work related to the water supply of the city. We asked her about her job and whether she thinks the government is doing enough to call attention to environmental issues concerning water.

Interview with Hillary Meltzer

We talked with Hillary Meltzer who is the Chief of the Environmental Law division of New York City. She talked to us about all the things that NYC is doing to help marine life and to stop pollution.

Tour of the New York Aquarium

We went to the New York Aquarium to have a tour of one of the most recent exhibits, the shark exhibit, and go behind the scenes of the aquarium to see all the life support and filtration systems for the aquarium.

Visit to NY Aquarium

We received a tour of the new exhibit about sharks in the New York Aquarium on January 7, 2019. The exhibit discussed the differences between different species of sharks, their relationship with humans, and some threats they face. We also got to see the part of the aquarium where they filter water and sand using large tubes. At the end, we watched a seal perform tricks, which was a fun ending to the trip.

Aquarium Visit

We went to the New York Aquarium and had a private tour of the new shark exhibit as well as the filtration system. They talked to us extensively about these two things.

Interview With Alexis Segal

We interviewed Alexis Segal, a friend of my mother’s who is the Legislative Assistant for Water and the Environment for Senator Dianne Feinstein of California. Since she is based in Washington, D.C., we were not able to meet with her in person but did set up of a FaceTime call/interview.

Coral Bleaching Interview

We had an interview at Le Pain Quotidien across the street from our school. We asked Mike Kowalski about the effects of climate change on the health of coral reefs. We also asked what the government is currently doing to fight global warming, and what it should be doing. We asked what strategies are necessary to keep reefs healthy and why coral reefs are important to the ecosystem.

Promotion for the Ocean

Our group is studying climate change and the effect it has on marine environments and ecosystems. One specific example of this would be how rising ocean temperatures destroys coral reefs which are home to thousands of fish and plankton. When coral takes on abnormal amounts of heat, it becomes stressed, and it removes the algae…