Exploring the United Nations

Name: Amelia Mundy

Social Justice Group: 2023-2024, Beauty Standards and the Media

Date of Fieldwork: January 12, 2024

Name of Organization and person (people) with whom you met and their title(s):The United Nations

Type of Fieldwork: [69]

What I did and what I learned about my topic, activism, social justice work or civil and human rights work from this fieldwork?:

On January 12th, 2024, the eighth grade and staff got on the train and traveled to the United Nations in Midtown Manhattan. We were greeted with security, a large courtyard, and eventually, a tour guide in the main building of the United Nations. The UN tour sparked my curiosity, especially when I went to the Security Council Chamber. I discovered that the nations on the council were arranged to sit in in blue seats, with their assistants sitting behind them. The Security Council’s president, who is now France, alternates every month. The countries that are not members of the council are able to watch from the red chairs surrounding the main circle. I also learned that any nation engaged in a conflict that the council wishes to discuss is eligible to have a place at the table.

Another aspect of the United Nations building that I enjoyed was that were was a lot of art with a lot of meaning to it. There were sculptures, paintings, and architectural components that were donated to the United Nations to be presented in the building. These things were given from many different countries, such as Finland, Tailand, and Malaysia. I loved seeing the different artworks around the building, and I was happy that you could appreciate it as you walk around the workplace if you worked there.

Amelia Mundy

Amelia Mundy (she/her) is an 8th grade student at LREI in NYC. Her topic for her social justice project is beauty standards in the media. This topic impacts her because as a teenage girl, self-image is a difficulty for her and her friends, especially on social media. 

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