Visiting the United Nations!

Name: cove stanton

Social Justice Group: Nuclear Weapon Proliferation

Date of Fieldwork: January 12, 2024

Name of Organization and person (people) with whom you met and their title(s):

Type of Fieldwork: [69]

What I did and what I learned about my topic, activism, social justice work or civil and human rights work from this fieldwork?:

At the UN we saw a lot of gifts from other countries that symbolize something important. My favorite gift was a gift from Russia. It was a moon rock which I found surprising, I did not think I would be seeing a rock from the moon in the UN. The moon rock symbolizes how Russia and the united states were in a race to go to the moon, which I found kinda funny that they put it in the United states. Another cool thing I learned and saw was something related to my social justice project. It was a timeline of all the different countries testing nuclear bombs in the cold war. I learned that the united states tested the most bombs out of all the countries being 1032 bombs between 1945 and 1992. 216 of those of the tested bombs were underwater and in space.

Cove Stanton

cove is an 8th grade student at LREI in NYC. His topic for his social justice project is nuclear proliferation. This topic is important to him because nuclear weaponry is a problem that can destroy and affect the whole world in various ways and needs to be handled properly. 

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