Interview with Iman, 11/13/13

photo of Iman

On September 13, our group interviewed Iman Abdulmajid.  Iman was a very famous, well respected model in the 1980’s, and now runs and owns a clothing, accessory and makeup line. Iman is most known to be among the first women of color to become a super model. She became idolized and loved by many different people throughout the world. When we interviewed her, we started with the simple question of how she became a model. She replied with so much detail, like it had happened yesterday. “It was one day, when I was on the way to the University, a man walked up to me and asked me if I had ever been photographed. I quickly replied yes because I thought he thought that black people have never seen a camera. Honestly, I had no idea what he was talking about. But he kept talking to me, I started to think he was trying to pick me up, so I kept walking. He stopped me and said he was serious about taking my photos by paying me. I asked if he would pay me $8,000, because that was the price of my tuition.”
After, we asked her about the biggest struggle of being the one of the only black women in the media. She said that it was hard for her, and the only way for her to be the best was to be 10 times better than all the other white woman. Iman worked very hard for her spot at the top. After, we talked of the phenomenon of racism in the media. Racism in the media has never been an issue that occurred to me. I don’t think I’ve ever thought about the racism in the media today. I find this very interesting that this is an issue because many people in America are of color. If a company puts a person of color in a commercial, maybe it would advertise better because it would connect to more people. Iman is currently working on justice for black models and other models of and color, especially those in runway shows. Since a lot of her modeling took place in fashion and on the runway, she feels that it is her job to help all the aspiring model of color. Her attitude is that she owes nothing to the media, so she has to help all the suffering models. After being turned down, many models come to think they aren’t perfect and become depressed or anorexic. Though this is not the case for all, it is very common. Iman has been on many conference calls and has talked to many different models of color to get a feel of what it’s like to be a model in the media today. From this, she is appalled. Many photographers and companies don’t shoot women of color because they think that those women won’t sell magazine and other goods. According to many young models, it is extremely hard to find work. To be treated and payed equally to all the other white models is very rare. I have come to the conclusion that the more diversity we have in the media, the better people will feel about who they are, no matter where their from or their skin color.


Hi my name is Sophia! . I am really exited about working in the women in the media social justice group. Girls just like me are struggling today with thier bodies, self esteem and gaining respect from others. I am ready to make a change and I hope I inspire others to do so also. 

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