Tamar Gargle 1/13/14

We took this picture n the set of ABC when we went tt visit Tamar Gargle

We took this picture n the set of ABC when we went tt visit Tamar Gargle

A Panorama of some offices at ABC

A Panorama of some offices at ABC


Today, Bella, Daria, Eve and I went to go visit Tamar Gargle at ABC studios. Lexi hasn’t been feeling well lately so she decided to stay at school while we went. Getting to ABC studios was fairly easy, we just took the 1 to 66th street, but finding the Tamar’s lobby was another story. Tamar had briefly notified us that ABC was right across the street from the subway stop, which was true, but we didn’t know which lobby she was in. Apparently, ABC has more than one lobby for each section of the Corporation. Soon we found the right one and went up to Tamar’s floor, the 8th. Tamar met us right outside the elevator and showed us to her office so we could put our things down. Right after, we got started with a tour of her part of the building. First we visited one her friends who works in the graphic design for 20/20, a news show on abc. Basically what she does, is make the graphic work for the show. Meaning she does all the digital parts, like the titles and the small blurbs at the bottom of the tv screen. She showed us some of the previous things she had done, but she also told us some things that are very interesting about what they do to women into the graphics process. This is what it is; graphic designers (like herself) never touch up the woman that they need put on television. At most they will change the lighting of the picture, or make the woman’s skin tone more natural, because skin tends to get a yellowish tint in pictures. T
After, we were taken to some of the other offices that do graphic design for ABC. While we were on the tour, we asked Mrs. Gargre about what it was like to be a women in high position at ABC. She told us that at ABC she didn’t notice an issue with gender inequality, gender wise the number of graphic designers are equal. She also told us that women in the media in the news can’t be re-touched or anything like that because it’s there job to deliver news, not beautiful girls.
I think that going to ABC has provided a great experience for our group to see the other side of woman in the media. Today I have learned that not all of media is bad for the representation of woman and girls today. I think its great that ABC makes no effort to re-touch women when they are on tv or in a news story. By not retouching these women, a diversity of looks, sizes and races become available, creating a realistic standard of women today in society. Not only does ABC hire working woman without lots of gender bias, but they are without knowing, crushing down the unrealistic standard of beauty.


Hi my name is Sophia! . I am really exited about working in the women in the media social justice group. Girls just like me are struggling today with thier bodies, self esteem and gaining respect from others. I am ready to make a change and I hope I inspire others to do so also. 

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