
I'm Gus Dotson, I am interested in woodworking

Interview with Patrick Savage

For our fieldwork, we took the train to the Morgan Stanley headquarters in time square to interview an Army veteran. We asked him a set of questions about veterans and the most pressing issues they face.

Visit to the New York Historical Society

My group took the train to the new york historical society to see an exhibit on the Vietnam war. The exhibit talked about the politics and the direct actions going on in the war. We learned about everything from the anti-war movement to how veterans were treated when they came home to the fact that lots of those veterans had terrible PTSD afterward.

Interview with Key Burns Founder of H4H

My group has been in touch with Key Burns, the founder of a program called Hearts 4 Heoroes, we had atempted to call her once but an emergency came up and we were unable to complete it. But this time we got a hold of her and had a very interesting conversation about how she is helpingveterans.

Interview at the VA

My group took the train to THe veterans hospital where we met with our original contact. He interduced us to 3 post combat veterans. we talked to the veterans for about an hour and disused what it is like to come home from war and how you are treated.