Jaqueline Wu Interview, River Project, 1/10/17

Jaqueline Wu works for the River Project based here in lower Manhattan. The River Project is a hands on river clean up organization. There propose is to be the one that is actually on the water cleaning the water and raising awareness about the water. They have a thing called a wet lab where there is an aquarium filled with local fish but it is connected to the river bringing in the rivers water and some organisms along with it. Using this they try to bring awareness about how there is actually many organisms in the water. One reason people are throwing stuff into the river is because they don’t realize that there are fish, but there are many fish. They have a volunteer program where kids and adults come and help plant oysters for oyster reefs and also study from marine biology.


I am an 8th Grader in LREI, Little Red School House. I am in the water pollution group with some of my friends and we are trying to create awareness to this topic and do volunteer work to help the ocean and waters around us. I choose this topic because I love the water, I am a scuba diver, fisherman, and I love water sports. 

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