3rd Gowanus Canal Conservancy Clean Up 12/4


On December 4th, my group and I went on a fieldwork with Gowanus Canal Conservancy. We met Michael Wasserman. Altogether we held a clean up in a garden near a storage facility which was piled with trash. We found water bottles,  candy  wrappers and even coat hangers! Whilst cleaning up, we recycled plastics. We were very happy with our results.

I loved working with Gowanus Canal Conservancy. I learned a lot from them. I realized that sometimes by just cleaning a small garden can make a difference.I also learned that Gowanus saves plastics and make their own creations with them as a fun and innovative way to reuse them. It inspired us to soon arrange our own clean up. We humans tend to throw away things consistently. Humans made up the term “waste.” In nature, there is no such thing as waste. Things are used again and again. I learned that if humans reuse and recycle more often, we can develop sustainability. Sustainability is the idea of not wasting our natural resources which then creates long term usage. We can do this by recycling our water bottles, using some of our food waste like banana peels as compost or even running on electric gars therefore not wasting oil.

This then made me wonder, what happens with the trash that we throw away? Do we burn it, therefore polluting the air? Do we dump it unto the ocean, therefore killing innocent animals? What can we as humans do to develop sustainability?

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