“I am a girl” campaign interview

On our second fieldwork, we interviewed the photographer, Denice, of the “I am a girl campaign”. Denice told us that he wanted to pick girls that were not too pretty so they could make a point about every girl is beautiful and strong and courageous. If they have a prettier girl, then it is besides the point. Also they had a variety of different girls with different ethnicities.  Denice noticed the difference between the younger girls and the older girls. The younger girls were running around playing with each other, but the older girls felt more self conscious around each other and more shy. This is why the age range was from 7-12 years old since they didn’t want to have girls that were too self conscious and quite. I then realized that the point of the campaign was to let all of us girls know that just because on the front page of the magazine there is an anorexic model, doesn’t mean that we have to force ourselves to look like her. I also realized that these images are all ideas coming from editors who photoshop them to look scary thin. This campaign is teaching us to be ourselves and that we are beautiful they way we are inside and outside. This is the meaning of the campaigns name “I am a girl=I am beautiful”. I feel like I listened well enough to understand why they made this campaign and what they are trying to change in the world. I understand some girls that are as young as 6 are being brainwashed by what is called the ‘perfect girl’. I understand a lot of women all over the world are being treated as objects and not human beings. This fieldwork helped me understand what is going on in the world and what we can do to help.

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