Bunnicula By Deborah and James Howe

This book is about the Monroe family and they have a dog named Harold and a Cat named Chester. Toby, and Pete Monroe, and Ms. and Mr. Monroe were out from the movies and then they brought back home a Rabbit that they found in the streets. After a couple of weeks with the new pet, this pet does not speak and ignores Chester and Harold. Chester the cat is jumping to conclusions and saying that this new “pet” is acting strange and might not be a normal pet at all.

Harold the dog is being the total opposite of Chester and just saying that maybe the new pet is just shy and needs a little time to fit in.

After another couple of weeks this new rabbit has been acting strange a lot and Chester decided to stay up all night and see what’s going on. While Chester was up, he saw the Rabbit eat all of the Monroes vegetables. This rabbit is not eating the vegetables but is sucking the color out of the vegetables that there turning white. The Monroes don’t know what’s going on but Chester sure does. So Chester tells Harold the whole story and Harold stays up during the night, and Harold can not believe what he’s seeing and Chester cannot believe what he’s about to say. Chester get’s all crazy and says that this rabbit is not just a rabbit, it’s a vampire rabbit and his name is Bunnicula. Here is quote from Chester the cat. “Don’t judge a rabbit by it’s cover if you know it’s a vampire.”

bunnicula-bgI would recommend this book to someone who likes mystery books because this book has a lot of mystery. I would also rate this book 4 stars **** because it’s a great book but in the middle of the book it starts to get a little confusing like, first Bunnicula sucks the color from the vegetables and then the Monroes figure out who it is and then they think it’s Chester and stuff. Some mystery books are confusing and this one is, just a little.


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