Taggerung, By Brian Jacques

This is a book from the Redwall series. It is called Taggerung. This book is about a young otter whose father was slain by vermin. These vermin took him in, and named him their taggerung. A taggerung is a beast who is very fast, very strong, and extremely dangerous. Taggerungs also have very good eyesight, hearing, and tracking skills. When this taggerung leaves the vermin clan because the chief Sawney Rath was becoming too dangerous for his own good, he goes off adventuring and eventually ends up at Redwall Abbey.

The main characters are Tagg, ( The taggerung) Nimbalo, ( a harvest mouse) Mhera, (Tagg’s older sister) Cregga Badgermum, ( The abbey’s caretaker) and Filorn ( Tagg and Mhera’s mother). This book takes place in Mossflower Woodlands.

A very important thing is that Taggerung goes through a change to find his real self. The taggerung realizes that he is not a vermin, and he has things that he wants to do anyway. Here is what the taggerung told Sawney Rath when he left. “ I no longer want to be with you or your clan, Sawney. You’ve become too dangerous for your own good. I’ve watched you change over the seasons from a clan chief, to a bad old beast. I go my own way now. our paths will never cross again, so I wish you better times and hope you learn to treat others more wisely.”

When Tagg leaves Sawney’s band, there are many plot twists. One of them introduces a very important character, Nimbalo. Tagg and Nimbalo become very good friends, and they are usually found together, having adventures.

I enjoyed this book a lot, and I would totally rate it 5 out of 5 stars. I would recommend this book to people who like funniness, action, animal perspective, and don’t mind a bit of violence. Also, you should be prepared for a little tiny bit of grossness. But other than that, I think that this book should be a movie so that we could watch it! That would be awesome!

This is the cover of Taggerung. The otter on the cover is the Taggerung.


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