The Chocolate Touch, Patrick Skene Catling

The Chocolate Touch is about a boy that goes to a candy shop, and gets a piece of chocolate, and the next day everything he puts into his mouth turns to chocolate. But it gets worse when every thing his lip touches turns to chocolate.  How will he get rid of it ?

This turns into an adventure in his own neighborhood!

A good book and this book shares a good sense of humor.


9 thoughts on “The Chocolate Touch, Patrick Skene Catling

  1. I love that you end your plot summary with a question! You’ve created a sense of suspense that makes me want to read this book. I also like you mention that the book has a “good sense of humor.” What type of reader would enjoy this book? Is there anything about this book that didn’t work for you?

  2. It sounds really exciting how the town might get turned all into chocolate! I am thinking about reading this book next.

  3. This book sounds great for someone with a sweet tooth! I want to read this book now. This is kind of like King Midas where everything he touches turns to gold!

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