A School Story, By Andrew Clements

This book is called A School Story and if you like Andrew Clements you might like this book. The story is about a girl,her teacher and her best friend who write a book and they try to get it published by the girl’s mom. The really important characters are Natalie Nelson    the girl, Zoe her best friend, Hannah Nelson the girl’s mom and Mrs.Clayton the English teacher.

The story takes place at the Deary  School and at Shipley Junior Books, the publishing company.


I thought that that book was not the best book I have ever read in my whole life so I didn’t enjoy the book.  But there was some goodish exciting parts of the book, like when they had the publishing party for Cassandra Day, which was Natalie’s alias name [fake name.] And the time when she and Zoe got in a fight and they made a whole big deal out of letting Mrs. Clayton help with the book.


My least favorite part was practically the whole thing except for the non boring parts which were the parts I just told you and thats pretty much it.

Why the book didn’t interest me was because the people didn’t have anything exciting to say. The book would have been more interesting if it had funny quotes but there were some things that were funny, like when Natalie said, ”Zoe is not the fastest reader but she is very picky with the books and she liked this one.”

            I would rate this book a ½


9 thoughts on “A School Story, By Andrew Clements

  1. It sounds like you were craving more humor in this book! I am glad you were able to pick out a few redeeming parts. You make an interesting point when you write, “The people didn’t have anything exciting to say.” I’d like to hear more about this. What do you look for in a main character?

  2. All of the covers on andrew clements books are pretty much the same it’s a kid holding something on a table in front of them. and what about the cover Wyatt.(p.s. I meant not to put andrew clements’ name in capitals I…I’m not a huge fan.

  3. I wanted to read it last year I carried it around forever and finally put it down. I will not pick it back up since you say it was so terrible. it is to long of a book to read if it is not good. Landry News size is fine but it is to long to be terrible. I nominated the book for one of the books I wanted to be me and Kate’s book. Usually Andrew Clemnets is a great author landry news was great right?

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