
Ava is an eighth grader at the Little Red School house. She lives and grew up in New York City. She strongly believes in helping kids who are homeless get an education and she wants to help.

Interview with Orayne Williams

We met Orayne Williams who was abandoned by his mother when he was 14 and was kicked out of his house. He ended up living in a homeless shelter alone and going to high school and then later went to college and started a program to help kids who experienced similar things that he did and helps them get back in school. We toured him around the school and then brought him to LPQ across the street for an interview.

Interview with Liz Murray

On November 30th we went to the Bronx to a public school to visit Liz Murray. Liz Murray was homeless and alone at 15 with her parents being drug attics. She later went to high school and took a full year of school every semester. She graduated high school and went on to Harvard and graduated and made the Organization called Arthur project. Arthur Project helps kids who are in poverty or housing instability, get an education and get out of the poverty/homeless cycle.

Interview With Journalist Ben Chapman

On November 15th we went to the daily news offices to Interview Ben Chapman. Ben Chapman is a Education and poverty journalist who has written over 2,000 articles on this topic. We got to the offices and saw all the old news covers on the walls and a room full of people writing, editing, and…

We wrote letters to people in Florida to help get votes for Amendment 4 so that ex felons can vote and have a second chance.