
My name is Rachel, and I'm an eighth grader at LREI. My social justice group is focusing on the issue of child abuse. 1 in 5 children will be abused before the age of 18. We want to shed light on this topic and help prevent this from happening. No child deserves this.

Interview with Marion White from CAPP 2/8/17

For this interview, Alexa, Rei and I traveled to The New York Foundling building on 6th avenue between 16th and 17th street. There we interviewed the Senior Program Director Marion White, and her team. Since its start 1986, the Child Abuse Prevention Program (CAPP) has been successful in giving children the tools they need to prevent and report abuse…

Interview with a child abuse survivor on 12/5/16 RKM

I think so far, this interview has affected my group most. We interviewed a child abuse survivor. For confidentiality reasons, the name of the survivor will not be named. In a private room in our school, we interviewed her about her experiences. When we interviewed this person, the conversation felt real, she wasn’t hiding anything…

Interview with Sarah McNamara from NYCC 11/16/16

Our second interview we did was at the NY Center for Children. We interviewed Sarah McNamara, the senior social worker there. This organization provide therapy, medical, and recreational services to kids who’ve been abused in any way, such as; sexually, physically, emotionally, and psychiatrically. They also work with victims of neglect. It is a non-for-profit…