
My name is Ethan Ehrenberg. I am an eight grader at LREI in Greenwich Village. My social justice group is focusing on Environment. Some of my hobbies are writing, sports and hanging out with friends.

An Inconvenient Truth

An Inconvenient Truth is a well  recognized Environmentally based film directed by  Davis Guggenheim. Al Gore, former Vice President share his fascinating research study into the issue of global warming. He speaks of the need to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions as a “moral imperative,”   If we don’t do something about the environment soon, things will get very…

Gowanus canal conservancy

A couple weeks ago my Environment based social justice group and I were lucky enough to attend the Gowanus Canal Conservancy. Inside the base of the Conservancy we got to meet with multiple people such as Natasia. A activist who was affected by the multitude of was dumped into the Gowanus Canal every day. I…

Amanda Setiawan/ Engineers Without Borders NYU Chapter 11/6/13

Recently we had an interesting meeting with on the the leaders of the Engineers Without Borders NYU Chapter.It was a educational experience in which we learned about ways we could help, and about ways the they are already helping. Amanda’s NYU chapter is currently working on a multitude of things. As work often in third world…