An Inconvenient Truth

imageimageAn Inconvenient Truth is a well  recognized Environmentally based film directed by  Davis Guggenheim. Al Gore, former Vice President share his fascinating research study into the issue of global warming. He speaks of the need to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions as a “moral imperative,”   If we don’t do something about the environment soon, things will get very bad, very quickly.  Many times Gore points out that it is not only corporate pollution which is destroying our planet. We as a people can work together to make a change. Al Gore, with help from companions, proposed a multitude of facts that showed the levels of carbon dioxide rising in the past 10 decades or so. The congress didn’t respond in the way Gore had hoped. The spark that he wished for had been out out. 


Gore describes the dramatic changes taking place in the world as a result of global warming. He shows pictures taken many years ago of glaciers that have existed for the last thousands of years or more and compares them to pictures taken in the last year or two. It is appalling how a glacier that was once buried in snow is now a dry land. As we read in Empty by Suzanne Weyn, warm temperatures can often result in severe storms. Such as Hurricane Katrina, which took place in 2005. Upon “coincidence” at was the record breaking warmest year in New Orleans history. Originally when Katrina traveled over Florida it was a category one (the lowest on hurricane velocity scale). As it traveled to New Orleans it hit a heat wave on the gulf. This is when it picked up speed and strength.  In the decade the earth has seen a record amount of hurricanes and tornadoes.
Due to Global Warming many areas have seen large flooding. Rain fall has been record breaking with at times more than a foot of water in 24 hours. The thing that strikes me most is around the world cities or countries adjacent to those who have been receiving these intense downpours, are suffering from droughts. Global warming causes extreme in many areas. In the Poles  in 60 years all of the polar ice will have melted.Wild life in these areas will drown as the will have no place to rest.  Ice reflects 90% of the sun’s heat that hits it where as water absorbs 90% of it. This is why these Polar caps are melting at such an extreme rate. After all the ice is melted, the Poles will continue to receive a large amount of sun as temperatures continue to rise. We can all make a change and us as individuals must take action.
Questions for Director:
1. What made you decide to use Al Gore as the spokesmen for your movie?
2. What caused you want to have Al Gores personal life as a main implement in this movie?
3. What do you think each of us as individuals can do to make a change?



My name is Ethan Ehrenberg. I am an eight grader at LREI in Greenwich Village. My social justice group is focusing on Environment. Some of my hobbies are writing, sports and hanging out with friends. 

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