Food Deserts/ Food Cycle

Charles, Stella’s uncle took us on a field trip to a food desert in New Jersey. There were about 2 supermarkets. Half of the delis were closed and since it is a food desert, that means there might of only been 3 delis. Practically all of their food stores were fast food places. Charles explained to us what a food/hunger cycle is. The cycle was; Economic decline -> money problems -> less access to healthy food and safe water (malnutrition) -> bad health, hunger and poor sanitation -> diseases and death -> depleted workforce and so on. This is a never ending cycle, meaning it will happen all over again. It is very tough to live a life where you have to live off a burger everyday. Even though that might sound good to you, you can get diseases from eating unhealthy like a very serious case of diabetes. Why wouldn’t those people eat healthy food like vegetables? Because it is too expensive for them. If only a healthy salad had the same price as a McDonald’s burger, people would probably make better food choices.

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