Ronald Kubi

The last fieldwork that we went on was a trip to the law offices of Ronald Kuby. His daughter went to LREI when she was younger. Ronald Kuby is a criminal defence and civil rights lawyer. He is also a talk show host for WABC. Some of the people he represented were Malcom X’s daughter and the suspects from the centeral park joggers case. His law office is in a manhattan apartment building that doubles as his living quarters. Here he taught us about what it was like to represent people who had been abused by the police. We learned a lot about his work and what it was like from a lawyer who represents those racially profiled view point. This was a very helpful fieldwork.


My name is Troy Fischer, I am an eighth grader at LREI: Little Red School House and Elizabeth Irwen High School in Manhattan New York. I am part of a social justice team called TARP. (Teens Against Racial Profiling) We are working to stop wrongful racial profiling and police brutality being done by the New York City police department. 

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