Private: Interview with Richard Aborn

On December 10, 2013, our Social Justice group went to the Citizens Crime Commission office to meet with Richard Aborn, President of the Commission.  The goal of this field work was to get as much information on our subject as possible.  We wanted to learn from a master and a veteran of gun control lobbying.  He was also one of the major strategists behind the Brady Bill.  Some questions that we asked him were:  What do you think of background checks in America?  What do you think of the “knock out game”?  We also asked him what should we do to make this world safer?   In response, he told us to make our voice heard through social media and to never give up!  I learned about the importance of background checks and how poverty and violence are intertwined.  We also learned the basics of micro-stamping which is when they put a marker on bullet casings so you could see who bought them.  We first met at the conference room to discuss and learn about our subject.  Later he took us to his office where he showed us the Brady Bill and some other important documents.  Some things that I want to remember for our teach-in are the facts about micro-stamping and the importance of background checks.  This was a great fieldwork because we got to learn from a master in the field.  I believe this was a very successful trip because of the wealth of knowledge we gained.  He gave us a lot of information that we can use in our teach-in


We are a social justice group working to end gun violence in America. We are currently focusing on gang violence in inner city communities in around our area. We have met with many specialists in the field and doing field works, in which we work in the field to earn real hands-on experience. 

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