Serving the Silos w/ Lawrence Bullock

Name: Tyler Huang

Social Justice Group: Nuclear Weapons/Nuclear Proliferation

Date of Fieldwork: January 20, 2023

Name of Organization and person (people) with whom you met and their title(s):Lawrence Bullock

Type of Fieldwork: Interview

What I did and what I learned about my topic, activism, social justice work or civil and human rights work from this fieldwork?[:: :

On friday January 1st, we set up a zoom meeting with Lawrence Bullock. He is veteran for the military. He served the United States in the late 70s recently after the Vietnam War. He was locaded in the alps and served in missile silos ready to fight back in the event of a Russian bombing. In these small mountain towns that he worked in he would live outside of the bunker. He shared an experiance from one of the rare times that he served inside of a bunker/silo. He said that they were big with living quarters and gyms! They obviously contained a ton of computers and the missiles.

Lawrence told us some stories from the time he served (25 years). He told us that one day they got an alert that the Russians were attacking them. They used all of ther technology and radars and they found an aircraft approaching them. After all of the panic they found out that the Russians were painting a false picture on the radars to cause panic.

When we interviewed Lawrence he talked about his opinions on Nuclear Weapons. He said that whenever he could he would try to not work in a Nuclear Silo. He also mentioned that not many people realize how massive the damage will be if one of these missiles are launched.

Lawrence was a really intresting guy and he was verry helpful with telling us information and he also had a lot of intresting stories about the time he served. We set up a second interview with him to ask a few more questions and we are looking forward to it.

Tyler Huang

Tyler Huang is a 13 year old 8th grader at LREI. His social justice project topic is Nuclear weapons. He is intrested in nuclear weapons because he is aware of the threat of nuclear violence/war. 

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