Meeting with Lauren Manning

Name: Milei

Social Justice Group: Women and Education

Date of Fieldwork: January 25, 2018

Name of Organization: Girls Rising

Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: Lauren Manning

Type of Fieldwork: Interview

What I did:

My group and I went to meet Lauren Manning, the senior manager of Girls Rising. We had an interview and discussed about what they do to spread the word on women’s and girl’s education rights.

What I learned:

Something that I learned was that men have a very big role in what Girls Rising is trying to accomplished. Lauren said that they mostly had to rely on men to obviously start to get the message and help out on spreading the message. Another thing that I learned is that it is really important on how there are different countries with different struggles on education rights. There are countries where they have budget issues and/or gender rights.

What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:

Something that I learned overall on this fieldwork was that a lot of other social justice topics play a role in women’s education rights. Lauren Manning explained how Global warming and Women’s education can be similar. She explained how there are a lot of women who instead of getting an education have to work and a lot of young girls have to go and get water for their families. Because of global warming, it can cause the water to be polluted and contaminated. So the water would be unhealthy when women would collect it.

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