Equal Doesn’t Mean Fair: Educational Equity and Access For All

Many children aren’t getting an quality education because of their class. America is struggling with giving a good education to students with low financial status. People should be able to be given an education suited to their certain needs, but with unqualified teachers in low budget schools in poor neighborhoods, it’s difficult to achieve our goals. If we all contribute to the community, we can give all students, no matter their race, the same learning opportunities.   


Momii (she/her) is an eighth grade humanities teacher at LREI. She was born in San Francisco, CA. She is a parent of three beautiful and unique children and her one of her favorite hobbies is riding her bike around Prospect Park. Momii is dedicated to issues of equity and justice because she strongly believes in Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s belief, "Whatever affects one of us directly affects all of us indirectly." Her involvement in the Social Justice Project is one of the highlights of her teaching year. 

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