Interview with Michelle Gomez, 1/31/17

During school last week we had an interview over facetime with Michelle Gomez. Michelle lost her leg in a motorcycle accident while working for the Peace Corps in Africa. While recalling the day she got in the motorcycle accident she spoke about how beautiful the day was, that day quickly became anything but beautiful for Michelle. She was taken to the hospital where when she woke up she was given the news that they would have to amputate her leg. A little bit later the doctor told her that she would be able to dance again, in a time of such difficulty and sorrow this was a light that she needed to lift her spirits. When she finally came back to America she noticed the awkward looks people gave her, at this moment it made me wonder if I give people with amputated or prosthetic legs a weird look. After getting comfortable back in America she went around trying to find a prosthetist who could do what she wanted. She chose a little office because they told her she would be able to dance again. Michelle is obviously now accustomed to having prosthetic legs, when we asked about them she was happy to share information. She told that she has a waterproof leg for the pool and the beach, and the shower, she told us that she has a dancing leg that allows her to flex her ankle, and she told us she has a high heel leg which has an adjustable heel so that she can wear high heels. I am very happy and pleased that we got the chance to interview Michelle, she was very helpful in developing our knowledge of our topic.

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