FLOW For Love of Water a documentary made in 2008 about the World Water Crisis

On January 18th my Social Justice group watched a documentary called FLOW For Love of Water, which was about the world water crisis. I learned many interesting things about this huge problem, for example, many Americans only buy bottled water, which pushes the bottled water industry into low-income communities, it may cost double but they think it is cleaner. However, the truth is that bottled water is just as dirty if not dirtier than tap water. Another example that is more specific to out topic is a small town in upper Lesotho where their was a small tribe that lived off of a river, however, a big company came in and forced everyone who had lived their for generations to move, displacing 18,000 people. One thing that I think impacted out the group was how big this issue really is because it isn’t just a country problem. This water crisis is becoming a global problem that has impacted hundreds of thousands of people all over the world and it isn’t like you can live without water, this problem might reach a boiling point and when that happens leaders around the world will need to figure out how to fix this. Another interesting thing that struck me as how much corporations are using it as a way to make a profit. Big corporations are making money off of water by doing things like selling bottled water, this is ridiculous because unlike oil it is a necessity that people shouldn’t need to pay for. One thing I would like to take away from this movie was the overwhelming power that the large businesses can wield. For example, they can move generations old tribes just to build a dam! This is crazy and I would like to incorporate this ‘David Goliath’ perspective in my workshop.

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