Interview with Nigel Barker/He for She

unnamed-1We interviewed Nigel Barker, an ex model, judge on America’s Next Top Model, and a spokesperson for the UN organization, He for She. Nigel grew up in England, where he was raised in the world of fashion. His mother was a supermodel from Sri Lanka, and both she and his grandmother instilled a strong belief in him that women could do all the same things that men could. In fact, his mother Encouraged him to become a part of the fashion world. As a young man in the clothing industry, many people thought that he was gay, because there is a stereotype that the only men who like fashion are gay. This made him realize that the stereotypes that we have about what people “can” or “can’t” do need to be destroyed in order to have gender equality. Nigel joined He for She and Girl Up to help make a change. Although he believes strongly in equal opportunities for women, he does not consider himself a feminist. This is because he thinks that the word promotes the ideas that women should take revenge on men and that all men are sexist. He believes that instead we should change it to humanist, meaning equality for all humans. Nigel also believes that while he for she and girl up are great organizations doing very important things, that the names should be more like we for we, or everyone up, so that people understand that it’s not just a women’s issue, it effects everyone, and we all need to make a change. Although he admires Emma Watson, he thinks that the head of the organization should have been a man, after all it is called he for she. Nigel believes strongly in getting men to work with women on tackling gender issues, and also that we can’t get equality unless everyone fights for it.

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