Interview with Gabriel Mendez, Director of El Nevado

Our interview with Gabriel Mendez was more beneficial to him and El Nevado than to us. We were originally going to be interviewed by Brian Torres but he couldn’t make it. He interviewed us on our views on climate change and how we think it will effect us. These questions and our answers will probably be in the film El Nevada because they are very focused on youth engagement. The El Nevado people believe that youth are the most important ones to take action because it is the generation they will be living in. We are the ones who have to take action or we will have no where to live. Many of Gabriel’s questions were similar to the questions we asked Brian Torres in the sense that they were general questions and pretty easy for anyone to answer. As we have gone through this journey, going on fieldworks, I have realized that many people are open to our ideas and what we want. Almost everyone (at least in the field of climate change) wanted us engaged in their group and their ideas because we a big effect on others. This project has showed me that we have more of an effect than I thought. Overall the interview with Gabriel was very successful. It was interesting to see all of the gear that he had and what happened while we were interviewed, I have not really been interviewed in that way before. It was a bit strange that Gabriel was sent in instead of Brian because we had never met him but once the interview was over we knew him almost as much as Brian and it was comfortable enough.


I am Jane, an Eighth grader at LREI. My group is climate change. I chose to focus on Climate Change because this is a topic that impacts everyone. 

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