Idlewild Park Wetland Cleanup

We met at Idlewild Park with the park services and we also met Micheal Wassermann from the Gowanus Canal Conservancy group unintentionally. We had not talked to anyone in specific, we just happened across the Cleanup and decided that it would be great to participate.

We learned a bit about just how much trash there is EVERYWHERE! I personally was really amazed about the sheer amount of trash that we removed. We removed 375 cubic meters of trash plus 65 rubber car tires and a few christmas trees.

I was really wondering after that was if we took all the trash in America and laid it out on the ground, how much of the country would it cover, because just in a small park, we picked up 375 cubic meters of trash, but if we had picked up all the trash in the country, I believe that we would be covered in trash.

I was really blown away by the amount of trash that we picked up in that one single park. I know I have stated this many times already, but the amount of trash was simply horrific.

I learned that some people really don’t know the extent of what they think doesn’t matter. If everyone throws a glass or plastic bottle into a wetland thinking “oh, its just a single bottle, it won’t do a thing,” that wetland soon will be completely full of bottles.

I want to show during the teach in how much trash is unseen and unknown in the U.S. Many people think that they themselves are not affecting the general issue, but when everybody thinks that, if everybody thinks that it is someone else’s problem, someone else’s fault, then the earth will do nothing but become more messed up and messed up.


I am an eighth grader at Lrei and I am currently working with two wonderful classmates of mine on a project surrounding the environment and the pollution of waterways. The reason why I chose to work with environment and specifically the waterways because from earlier times I have been really interested in marine biololoy and I wanted to see a different perspective on the way that people care about the environment and the organisms in it. 

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