
At 6:30 am we boarded a bus that would take us to Albany. On the bus we were served pork gumbo, rice, and a roasted pig knee. My other group members did not like this at all. I liked it until I got to the pig’s knee. After my food I fell asleep. We arrived at our destination four hours later. When we arrived we went and got a lunch box. I was surprised that we were fed more food. I got a sandwich, apple, chips, and a cookie. We then filed into a room with about 400 people listening to a speaker. They were filled with so much energy despite waking up at 5:00 am. This was very inspiring. When this was done we went through security. This took a while because we were a group of about 400 people. There was only three security guards. The security was airport grade. This means we had to take off our jackets and empty our pockets. People were doing this at the last possible second. We were in security for a long time. After we made it through we went upstairs to the War Room. We were then split up into our lobbying groups. Me, Anna, Aditya, and Elisabeth did not have a group so we asked if we could do something. We were tasked with handing pins to the NY Legislators. These pins had the amount of money owed to the school district that they were representing. They were supposed to wear the pins to the State of the State. After we had a quick snack break we went back to listen in on a lobby. We heard stories about the kids that were being denied a full education. This further added on to the fact that we need to fix the public school system. After this was done we got on the bus and headed home.


My name is Oliver Gifford and I am an eighth grader at LREI: Little Red School House and w. I am working on education inequity. I chose this because I think that the fact that one person can be failing because of their social standing. 

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