Peter Scheer Phone Interview:

Peter Scheer began at Harvard law school where he studied topics and cases relating to free speech. Shortly after leaving school, he became a lawyer who dealt with many cases like the ones he studied for many years. After that, he found himself loosing interest in his profession and he know works for the first amendment coalition, stated in California, as executive director. His organization deals with helping people who feel that feel that their freedom of speech is being taken away. They supply many people with first amendment lawyers who help deal with these issues or grant money to these people for a lawyer of their choice. During our interview, we touched on many topics, including his view on free speech, whether or not it can be dangerous, how we can help as students and many others. He brought up a case, that related to last year’s curriculum, and directly quoting a member of the supreme court, stating, “One must not yell ‘fire’ in a crowded movie theater.” He perceived any free speech that to could strike fear or start chaos to be dangerous and a misusage of an american privilege. I strongly agree with him. He also brought up the constitution and how it explicitly states that congress shall make no law obstructing free speech. I found this to be interesting how our free speech is truly prioritized in the constitution. I would like to thank him for spending his time to educate us on free speech.


Hi, I'm River Magee and a senior at LREI. This is my Senior Project blog where I am learning the intricacies of film making and screenwriting! My essential question is: How can I artfully and impactfully express emotion and feeling through a film? 

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