Our Volunteer work with Democracy Now!

On Friday, January 15th, our group met with an organization named, “Democracy Now.” This organization deals with several problems regarding freedom of speech and other issues in America. It reports of democratic and republican presidential candidates and posts videos and stories that relate to what’s happing in our wold right now. We met in their office, stated in New York City, and got the opportunity to participate in research related activities for them. The ground level was luxurious, equip with elevators that we took to their office level. Their offices were spacious and the staff were kind and helpful. We got a miniature tour of the place and were shown a room where you could make tea and other drinks that could accommodate your thirst needs. We were shown to a table where we were supplied with laptops to complete the tasks assigned.

Nissim was sent to restock their supply rather than participating in the research activity. Cam G, Cam K, and I were given a list of organizations that dealt with issues similar to Democracy Now.  We were to look them up and record specific sets of information that pertained to them. This included: The URL, the location, the development director and their contact information. We did this for several hours and found out the hard way that development directors are scarce. We made a packed that after the first hour and fifteen minutes, we would take a tea break. After out tea break we continued working, with humorous conversations weaved through. For the final 20 minutes we put thank you letters into envelopes. These were issued to the people who had made a donation to Democracy Now. Since they have no maximum or minimum donation level, we found many generous people, and a few that weren’t. We concluded our stay but thanking our guide and the receptionist. It was a wonderful experience and I hope to find similar experiences in the future.


Hi, I'm River Magee and a senior at LREI. This is my Senior Project blog where I am learning the intricacies of film making and screenwriting! My essential question is: How can I artfully and impactfully express emotion and feeling through a film? 

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