Interview With Ronald Kuby

On Monday January 11th my group went to Ronald Kuby’s offices, for an interview. We started talking abIMG_0294out his early beginnings in law, though he didn’t plan to be a lawyer. He wanted to be an anthropologist though when he wasn’t accepted to the school because of his ego, he decided to practice law. He talked about his life when he was young, selling drugs, doing drugs, and the struggle to come clean with himself. He was able to work so well with his clients because he too had been victimized and molested by the police. He recalls being bent over naked by the police and having them touch him. He was familiar with the police, not having a say, not knowing his own rights, and thats what he works with today. He works with people who have been abused by the police or wrongfully convicted and others in need. We met with another man who had been wrongfully imprisoned for over 15 years. He works at Ron’s office. We only met him for a short time, and weren’t able to talk that much. Ron had such horrendous experiences with the police so it only makes sense that he works hard today to prevent this. One of the reasons he was so often picked up by the police was because of his hair and radical opinions that he expressed with force. He often participated in rallies in controversial issues when he was younger. We gained some interesting information from Ron, like how lawless the Police are, acting like children with no control, how ironic is that? Overall this was a great fieldwork and we learned so much.


I am a student at LREI working with a group of four other students to inform our classmates and people in our everyday life about the discrimination against African-Americans everywhere. 

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