Beyond Coal Campaign Rally: City Hall

We went to a rally at city hall organized by the beyond coal campaign. Although we had emailed Daniel Sherrell many times before this about a possible interview we finally talked to him in person when we met him. Daniel Sherrell is the New York organizer for the Sierra club. Graham stood in front with one of the signs with the mission. Maisy, Ming, and I stood in the back right behind the speakers! There were state council representatives and many more elected officials. Although I thought there would be many people there were about 50 who showed up. We all wore Beyond Coal Campaign shirts over our coats but we were very cold. We also got a handout for a bigger climate march on Sunday! We are all planning to go and this will be a great opportunity for us. This was great opportunity for us to see others who are engaged in acts of climate change. There were many organizations and people that we saw and learned about at this event that we will soon come into contact with. This event was not as deep and attended as we thought it would be but it was a great Segway to new field works that we can do. The Beyond Coal Campaign’s mission is a very good one and we hope that they will eliminate all coal use in the United States by 2030 or else our country will be in danger. Hopefully this can come to the attention of the Governor and many other people with high power. Overall this experience was very good for us to take physical action towards climate change.

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I am Jane, an Eighth grader at LREI. My group is climate change. I chose to focus on Climate Change because this is a topic that impacts everyone. 

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