Social Justice Field Work #1: Black Panther Movie

On Wednesday we went to see the “Black Panthers” movie. This movie was held at BAM which is the Brooklyn Academy of Music. We traveled there by train and arrived there by 10. We got there and it was in this movie theater and the movie started out talking about Huey Newton. Huey Newton was the head of the Black Panther and experience hatred of the police. Huey was all about equality. The Black Panther party wanted equal housing, equal education and equality for everything. Bobby Seale was another leader of the Black Panthers and himself wanted equality. They hated the Black Panthers because they would hold a protest and they hated the police. This was very educational because this showed that police and racial brutality was not very different from the 60s. The police back then would kill for no reason. The Black Panthers had numerous shoot outs with the police even though they hadn’t committed any crimes. Huey Newton was wrongfully accused of murder and was in jail for numerous years, but later on they found out that he didn’t commit this crime. Bobby Seale went to Algeria because they had a warrant for and he knew that they couldn’t arrest him. I learned from the director that it was very hard to find people that were part of the Black Panthers. I learned that police brutality is not that different from now.


I am an eighth grade student at Lrei. I'm in the racism group and I'm interested in this topic because this topic relates to me and I would like to inform people about this topic. 

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