Vist to Child Abuse Prevention Program, 11/5/14

On Wednesday November 5th my group and I went on a trip to the Child Abuse Prevention Program or know as CAPP. When we went we had no idea about what we were going to see. We had spoken to Marion White who is the Founder of the organization but we didn’t know what we were getting ourselves into. But when we got there we saw all of the these amazing stats about how 80 percent of child abuse goes unnoticed. After walking in Marion showed us a video about how CAPP works and how it got started. CAPP is an organization that goes to schools and displays a puppet show about how Child abuse is wrong and it must be stopped. After that we went to her office and interviewed her about what she does how CAPP helps the children and how kids can feel free to talk to the workers about any questions they have. What surprised me the most is something called the grooming process. This is a process where someone outside of the family will try to persuade the family and most importantly the kid that they are a friend. They will play games with them that will involve touching in parts where no kid should be touched. Then the person will threaten the kid into letting them touch the child even if they don’t want that to happen. In this field work me and my group learned so much and are very thankful that CAPP was so willing and nice while working with us. When we left CAPP we ate lunch and talked about what had happened. We all realized how much information we had just received. As a group this was a very good start to what were about to embark on.Jared, Katherine, Nina, and Sarah's with the pupetts


My name is Jared, and I am an 8th grader at Little Red School House in New York City. I am a member of the Child Abuse prevention program. I choose this took because I feel that kids should be entitled to a harm free child hood. 

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