Allegiant by Veronica Roth

Allegiant is about a girl named Tris who used to live in a city that was divided into factions. This book is about her and her boyfriend, Four after they leave the city to see the outside world because the first tyrant, Jeanine gets overthrown. But the  power just changes to the next tyrant, Evelyn  who got rid of the factions. Evelyn tries to kill Tris and the Allegiant, a group of people who want factions back.


The Bureau of Genetic Welfare hate “genetically damaged” (people with damaged genes) and try to fix the genetically damaged  by making experiments (cities with factions) namely the city Tris and Four lived in. Four, Tris’s boyfriend is genetically damaged (Tris isn’t genetically damaged), but doesn’t like it. If the experiments backfire the bureau resets the city with a memory serum so the experiments don’t all get shut down because if the government  sees that the experiments don’t work all the experiments will get shut down.

At one point everyone in the city is about to die because the Allegiant are trying to kill Evelyn and the people that are with Evelyn. Evelyn has death serum and if she releases it everyone will die, so the bureau will try to  reset the city. Tris and Four try to figure out how to stop everyone from dying without resetting them.I would recommend this book to people who like dystopian action books. I rate this book 5 out of five even though it is a little intense.

7 thoughts on “Allegiant by Veronica Roth

  1. This sounds like a really exciting book. When I read Julien’s comment, I realized that this is the sound book in a series. Should readers read the books in order?

    You provide a really thorough summary of the plot, and you include essential details about that main characters. This is very helpful for readers inquiring about the book. I would like to know more about your evaluation of the book. You rate the book 5 out of 5 stars. What about the book worked so well for you? This doesn’t seem like your average action book!

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