Take Two By Julia DeVillers & Jennifer Roy

Take Two is the second book after Trading Faces.

In  Trading Faces Emma and Payton got in big trouble at home and at school, which means detention. Emma (the brainy one) feels like she shouldn’t be in detention, but lucky her and  Payton (the stylish one)  get out of it. But they just get a different type of detention.

Emma has to tutor math-hating eight year old boy Mason. Payton has to keep an eye on Mason’s twin brother Jason and help the drama club with the school play. Instead of being in the play like she wanted to she has to work under the stage.

This book is very easy and fourth grade level. It’s a realistic fiction book. If you like books that you can kind of relate to this is a good book for you. I would give this book 4 **** because it very fun to read>It’s a fun book with  lots of surprises along the way!



4 thoughts on “Take Two By Julia DeVillers & Jennifer Roy

  1. Payton has to be “under” the play? What does that mean? I wonder what got them into trouble in the first place? I guess I’ll have to read the book.

  2. I read Time Squared written by the same people, the book has the same characters and I loved the book, I might like this book.

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