Pish Posh, by Ellen Potter

In Pish Posh by Ellen Potter, the main character Clara is 11 years old, rich, and a bit of a snob. After going to her parent’s restaurant Pish Posh, she goes to her apartment which has so many rooms in it, for example: the roller-coaster room, the beach room, the Brooklyn village room, the tree climbing room, and many more. She went in the tree climbing room. In that room there is a big tree in the room imported from Australia. The tree is so big that there is a special ceiling for the tree. While Clara is climbing the tree, she hears police outside her building and a voice asks Clara if she could come into Clara’s apartement. Clara lets the mysterious girl in and her name is Annabelle. It turns out she is a thief. I really enjoyed this book because it is full of mystery.


My favorite part of the book was when Clara went to Annabelle’s house and Annabelle says, “You still think SpyFocals are fancy walkie-talkies?” I like that part because it’s funny.


I would recommend this book to people who like mysteries because there are a lot of surprises. I would also recommend this book to people who like friendship stories because Clara and Annabelle stick together. Lastly, I would recommend this book to people who like action because a lot of exciting things happen.


I would give this book 5 stars!

4 thoughts on “Pish Posh, by Ellen Potter

  1. You did a great job setting up the book and giving background information. Her apartment certainly sounds…. extravagant and excessive. I wonder why Annabelle steals things? I also wonder if Annabelle and Ellen develop a strong friendship in the book.

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