
Youth Demand

We are four eighth graders from New York City who believe it is time for youth to take a stand against gun violence for the sake of our future. President Obama said Newtown could have been any town. We believe him. Kids should not be afraid to go to school, walk home alone, or lose…

Child Poverty: Break the Cycle

Hello people who are viewing our blog! We are a group of eighth graders at LREI: Little Red School House and Elisabeth Irwin High School. The Child Poverty group and 36 other students in our grade are going off into the world to work on behalf of human rights. Child Poverty affects so many people…

Throwing Stones at the Glass Ceiling

8th Grade Social Justice Group Fighting For Gender Equality In The Work Space And Elsewhere. Hello! We are the Gender Equality Social Justice Group. We are three group members, Isabel, Ayden, and Noah. We are 8th Graders from Little Red Schoolhouse and Elisabeth Irwin High School. Our main focus is eliminating gender inequality in the…

Immigration Nation

We are eighth graders from LREI School (Little Red Schoolhouse + Elisabeth Irwin High School) in Greenwich Village, NYC. Our grade is embarking on a social justice project in which we focus on civil/human rights issues of our interest. Our group chose immigration as our topic. We are focusing on the rights of the undocumented…

No Place for Kids: Youth Incarceration in America

Hello! We are the Youth Incarceration group. We are working raise awareness on the many issues that affect incriminated youths 18 and under. Some of these issue include racial profiling, inability to get jobs, and being charged as adults. New York is the only state that automatically sentences 16 year-olds as adults.

Stop The Abuse

Hello all, we are the child abuse social justice group made up of five eighth graders from LREI (Little Red Elizabeth Irwin) Jessica, Lucy, Amalia, Sam and August. We chose the topic of child abuse because we felt that this topic is a huge problem in society that goes unrecognized by so many. Our group’s…

No Sugar Added

Hi! We are five eighth graders in New York City from Little Red School House and Elizabeth Irwin High School. As a part of a year-long social justice project, our grade has been focusing on Human and Civil Rights. We have chosen to focus on health and nutrition issues. Our group’s goal, No Sugar Added,…

The Bullying Effect

The Bullying Effect Group wants to teach you about how LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning) youth bullying may have an impact on LGBTQ peoples’ lives. In our society, we are expected to follow a certain characteristic depending on our biological sex. This causes people who don’t conform to these unsaid norms to be discriminated…

Love Shouldn’t Hurt – Domestic Violence Issues

Hello, we are Justine, Charlotte, and Pilar and we are eighth graders at LREI in New York City. Our class this year is doing a project called Social Justice. Our group is focusing in the topic of Domestic Violence. The reason we choose this issue is because we feel strongly and we want to do…

Poverty in America

We are doing our part to help end poverty for the 43 million Americans that have to suffer below the poverty line. Our group goal is to raise awareness for the poverty that is unseen by most. Other countries look at America like a plethora of wealth but that isn’t the case. Over 40 million…

Starve Out Hunger in NYC!

In NYC today 1.3 million New Yorkers have to and need to rely on food pantries and soup kitchens. In NYC 400,000 people are pained from moderate or severe hunger -118,000 of them are children. We as a group want to help stop hunger, or at least cut down on the number of those starving…