Tobias Petrzela

Tobias Petrzela, was born and raised in New York City and he attends 8th grade at LREI school. He is interested in getting kids in low income neighborhoods off the street and into organized sports programs. He selected Equity and Access to Youth Sports for his 8th grade social justice project.

Zoom Interview With Coach Macky

Coach Macky was our first interview and it went well. Most of us previously knew him through basketball in lower Manhattan. We had a document of planned questions and Macky answered them in a lot of depth. We learned more than we had thought and we now see his non – profit in a whole different way. He talked about the diversity of the program and it’s main mission. We are grateful for his time and learning about his organization and early life.

In Person Interview With Jonathan Gamberg

After a week of emailing I had scheduled to meet in person with Jonathan Gamberg, the associate director of a non – profit in NYC, City Parks Foundation. He met us at 11:15 in front of the school building and we led him to the office where we sat down and started our interview. During the interview we were not only all focused, but we all asked planned questions, listened, and did our best. We started by learning how the foundation sets up events and sport opportunities for all NYC children 6 – 18 free of charge. Later in the interview I learned more about Jonathan himself and his personal story. Overall we had one our best interviews with Jonathan and we learned a lot more about the organization and how it corresponds with our project.