Hudson McDonald

Hudson is an eigth grade student at LREI. She is a daughter and sister. She loves to spend time with her family and friends. Hudson was bornand grew up in New York CIty. She is dedicated to helping women feel more confident on social media.

Social Media’s Advertising of Body Image: Interview with Erin Eichenstein

We interveiwed Erin Eichenstein on her work for instagram and facebook marketing. She talked to us about how the advertising on social media can be detrimental towards young women. Advertising can change the way people see women in the media. This is because of an un-real or un-healthy image being shown from ads. This can overall affect the way women are portrayed and tear down how people see themselves. Over the past ten years Erin expressed that there has been a dramatic change in how woman are shown in the media, but there are still unhealthy ads showing before and after pictures being released. Erin talked to us about how there are certain guidlines on these platforms that don’t allow advertisers to show certain things. These things include some fake or photoshopped images that could negativly harm womens veiws on themselves because of the un-realistic standard.

Something that really stuck out to me is that due to covid teens and kids have been more active on social media platforms. This means that they are more likely to be affected and impacted from certain advertisments being shown. This has changed teens mental health. This mainly resonated with me because this is our generation and we are the teens being affected at such a young age. Towards the end of the interveiw we talked about a goal being set to help fix these negative body image standards. We need to keep expressing our thoughts because we are being affected and we can help make a difference.

Learning About Women In The Media

Body image and Social media, Sexual Harassment, and Abortion laws groups all went to the Paley Center for media to take one of the classes there. We were in a theater room where we talked about the media and women. We talked about how women in media are sexualized and objectified through various platforms. We also talked about how comments on peoples bodies can affect womens view on their bodies.

Something in this fieldwork that stood out to me was the way the media can even affect kids. They showed how older kids cared how they looked while running and younger kids who did not use social media ran as fast as they could. this shows how as kids grow up and start to use the media more, it changes how they want to look. Another part of the fieldwork that I learned about was how women are portrayed in the media. Two of the women represented are Miley Cyrus and Britney Spears. Their were many negative stereotypes that followed these women just because of hwo they were shown in the media.

Interview with National Eating Disorders Association

We interviewed Lauren Smolar on her experience working for the National Eating Disorder. She talked to us about how big of an impact the media can have on peoples perception of themselves. She also told us about how social media can help bring people with eating disorders together to share their experience, which are some things the organization is working to do at the end of this month for National Eating Disorders Awarness Week. She talked about how many people struggle with eating disorders, but social media isn’t the only infulence of it.

I really enjoyed this interview because we have the perspective of a professional and we get to learn about what NEDA is working to do next. I also enjoyed this because it showed that social media doesn’t always has to be negitive, and just has to be fixed. My group and I will take this information and incorperate it into further reashearch.

Social Justice Presentation 101

This week my group didn’t present yet. We are presenting on the impact social media has on body image. We learned a lot of information throughout the process of making our slides. We worked to learn more about this topic and how it even affects teens. Because so many of us are on social media, we are all greatly affected by the things we scroll past every day. People trying to promote and live up to certain body types as well as shaming those who don’t have that body type is having an extremely negative impact on young girls and women. Since our group members all experience this first hand, we are devoted to learning more about it and coming up with potential solutions. This was such an imporant issue for us to learn about and now we feel like we can teach others about body image. We are excited to keep learning about this and help others understand the impact social media has on body image.