Edward Turbek

Edward is in the class of 2026 at LREI. He was born in Brooklyn, NY. He lived in Brooklyn then Boston and then Brooklyn. One of his favorite hobbies is flying his rc plane. Edward is dedicated to issue of Nuclear Weapons because he believes that humanity is endangered by Nuclear Weapons and therefore they should be destroyed.

Interview with Lynn Rusten

On Friday, the 18th of February, my group and I were ecstatic to talk with Lynn Rusten. Lynn Rusten currently holds the position of Vice President, Global Nuclear Policy Program at The Nuclear Threat Initiative, also known as NTI. She has also served as the senior director for arms control and nonproliferation on the White House National Security Council staff.

My collage and me asked her about many different topics in the nuclear disarmament field. One of the topics that we talked to her about was the tactical use of Nuclear Weapons. For those who don’t know, Nuclear Weapons are very powerful and as a result of this cannot be used strategically against soldiers and instead are meant to be used against civilians. When we asked her about this, she mentioned something that stood out to me. What she said that stood out to me was that the military is not fans of nuclear weapons and that they don’t see them as practical instruments of war, but only useable as deterrents.

Interview with the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation

On Thursday, the 3rd of February my group and I were honored to meet Samuel Hickey and Monica Montgomery for a virtual interview. They told us about current nuclear tensions, the ways their organisation works, what my group could do and people that we should interview. My partner, Bo Gardener and I were very grateful for the opportunity to interview them and how they taught us a lot.

Nuclear Disarmament Presentation 101

Last week my group presented an overview presentation on our SJ topic. I was a little nervous but the slide was fine when we presented it. My group worked very well together and we were able to coordinate working hours. Our group was able to learn a lot about our topic because we researched well together. Our research helped my group find two organisations to contact and we are working on interviewing them now.