Atticus Barocas

I Am a student from LREI in new york city. This year the 8th grade does a social justice project that lets students learn about becoming active changemakers in society. My project is about food justice and food insecurity in the USA.

Interview With Lauren Ornelas

We met with lauren Ornelas from The Food Empowerment Project. She founded the Food Empowerment Project in 2007 when this issue was much less talked about. We learned about how factory farming is killing our oceans, how fast food chains are praying on people who cant go to normal grocery stores. We also learned about how the government considers bodegas and delis grocery stores to make people think that low income areas are not low income. One thing we also learned about was that higher end neighborhoods grocery stores stay open later. And lower income neighborhoods grocery stores close a lot sooner.

The Food Empowerment Project is important to our topic because they do everything. Whether its doing things against factory farming, commercial fishing, or the way fast food restaurants are praying on low income neighborhoods. I think that what they do is super important and they should keep doing this work locally and around america.

Interview with Kate Foley From the Food Trust

We met with Kate Foley from the Food Trust. Kate Foley is the Project Director of The Access to Healthy foods branch at the food trust. The Food Trust’s mission is to make sure that everyone has access to healthy and nutritious foods in areas that usually dont get it. They focus mostly in Phillidelphia, although they do a lot of work in other states.

Access to healthy foods is very important for many reasons. A lot of people who live in food deserts are often more prone to diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. As you know, those can be very bad and maybe even deadly in some cases. Not only is it important because its needed to survive. But its also very important especially for kids in school. This is because without enough nutrients and energy, it can affect the way they work and how they do in school. The Food Trust is working with countless other orgonizations to fix this issue and we look forward to making our own change.

Ceres Community Project Interview

We met Deborah Ramelli, the director of communitions at the Ceres Community Project. The Ceres Community project is important to our project for many reasons. One of the things the Ceres Community Project does is provide medically tailored meals to those in need. A lot of the time, people who are sick in hospitals generally dont get the food they need, and if they can, it might not be medically tailored to their needs. This means that they are providing access to healthy foods.

I think this makes a big difference because especially with the amount of people in hospitals because of covid. This means that the Ceres project was been able to help a lot more people recentlly. There are many orgonizations such as Gods Love we deliver. There are many things that we as students can do to help. One of these things is volenteer at places such as gods love we deliver and deliver food to those who cant access it.