Wyatt W

My name is Wyatt, and recently, immigration has become one of the hottest topics in the news. Once my group and I were able to narrow our top topics down to two choices, we all knew we wanted to do immigration. In the past few months, I learned so much valuable knowledge that I would never expect to know and I am so glad that when I am older I can look back at this project and think "I started knowing nothing, ended knowing [almost] everything, and came out of this a person who knows how to fight for what is right."

Interview With Sam Soloman

We went to the New York City immigration office and interviewed Sam Solomon, Deputy of Policy. Primarily, he writes bills and advises people higher up in the government (like the mayor) on immigration based issues.

Interviewing Candice Cho

We interviewed Candice Cho, Deputy Chief of Staff of the New York government. Candice is a lawyer that advises many people in the New York government including Mayor DeBlasio. She helps these people make important decisions and makes sure that those decisions are within legal boundaries.

Interview With a DACA Recipient

My group and I had the rare opportunity of interviewing a DACA recipient. This is hard because most DACA recipients avoid getting interviews because of the recent rescinding of DACA. They don’t want to get exposed to the government as once the government has their name, they have their address and can show up at the immigrant’s door as soon as January 1st, 2019 and deport them back to their country they lived in before they crossed the border. For that reason, this DACA recipient chose to remain anonymous.