
My name is Damian Peña, and I am an eighth grader at LREI. I like watching hockey and playing sports, as well as playing Magic: The Gathering. I decided to commit to this social justice group because I feel that there are changes that need to be made concerning the juvenile justice system. I really like working with my group, and this project is very interesting.

On our most recent field work (Monday January 16th, 2015), the amazing photographer Steve Liss and our group Skyped. We said hi and looked at some of his photos and told each other we would stay in contact. However, when we talked to him this time around, we learned a lot. He started by heading…

Interview with Ismael Nazario

Can you imagine how it would be like to be all alone, with no one to talk to but yourself, for 23 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 4 months straight. Imagine being harassed constantly be other inmates, and even by those there to defend you, the prison guards. These were some of…

Interview with Cheryl Roberts

My social justice group and I recently went to the Greenburger center to ask some followup questions from the Mass Incarceration Speaker Series, as well as the Center’s opinion of youth incarceration, as the speaker series was primarily bases on, guess what… Mass Incarceration.  We walked to the Greeburger Center, where we met Cheryl Roberts,…

IDEAS: Speaker Series- Mass Incarceration

On Tuesday, November 18, 2014, my social justice group and I walked to LREI where we attended our first Speaker Series Event. This was our second field work so far. In this event the topic of Mass Incarceration was discussed. Now, I know this isn’t our exact topic, but we figured there would be no…

Interview with Saadiq Bey

Hello. my name is Damian. I am working on a social justice group focusing on youth incarceration and why this is so wrong. As a team, we schedule appointments/meetings (otherwise known as fieldworks) to learn more about our topic. We also look for alternative solutions for incarceration. In my group’s first fieldwork, we interviewed Saadiq…