
My names Riley Siltler, and I find wrongful incarceration and police brutality a big problem in our city. Me and my social justice group have gone on many trips to figure out why this is such a big and under appreciated topic. Living in New York I often see people being stopped by the police for no reason. I think that it is important for us to fight for these people and their rights. Stop and frisk is also a big issue for our group and we have taken it into our own hands to educate the youth of our school about how to handle situations like these.

Visit from Candis Tolliver

On Thursday the 23rd, we were very lucky to receive a visit from Candis Toliver from the NYCLU. Earlier, when we had visited the NYCLU, she had offered to visit our class. It took a while to set up the visit, but eventually we agreed on a time. It was actually funny because earlier that…

Visit from Fernando Bermudez Wednesday January 15

On Wednesday the 15th of january the middle school received a special visit from fernando bermudez. We had seen him speak before but the things he talked about this time showed us how moving one story can be. In 1991 Fernando was convicted of a crime he did not commit. He spent the next 18…

Screening of Gideon’s Army at New York University

Our group was lucky enough to get to visit New York University and see a screening of Gideon’s Army. The movie shows us the life of a public defender. It is public defenders job to be attorneys for people who don’t have their own. One of the eye opening things that we noticed was that…

NYCLU visit, Candis Toiliver and Deandrea Khan November 26

We recently visited the NYCLU. They are a organization that mainly focuses on police brutality, stop and frisk and knowing your rights. Stop and frisk has become a very large problem in New York. Ever since the start of the Bloomberg association stops and increased by 600%. When you are stopped and frisked the police…